Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Birmingham Restaurant Week 2013

Birmingham Restaurant Week 2013; REV Birmingham is pleased to announce the fourth annual Birmingham Restaurant Week (BRW) presented by Regions Bank. Known as Birmingham’s premier dining-out event, BRW will again celebrate the city’s acclaimed culinary culture by offering incentives for Birmingham-area residents to revisit their favorite restaurants or to experience recently opened venues for the first time. Participating restaurants will offer special two and/or three-course prix-fixe lunch and/or dinner menus in the $5, $10, $20 and $30 per person range during the 10-day event. Several menus will also include a healthy kid’s menu component, brunch offerings and drink specials. BRW will deliver real-time updates to the community via Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. The BRW weekly “Free Food Friday” contest on Facebook allows lucky Facebook fans to win gift certificates to BRW participating restaurants. The new BRW mobile site will provide diners with an easier and quicker method to access information located on the website as well as a GPS navigation option. Features include access to participating restaurants, menus, the option to make reservations, a tip calculator and weekly blog posts. For more information about BRW 2013, visit August 16th - 25th Birmingham Area Restaurants